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Walking for the health of it
by Julie Estlick
Moving our bodies, especially as we reach middle age and beyond, helps us stay healthier and live longer. 对一些人来说,这意味着定期上自行车课,打几个小时的匹克球,或者在黑钻石滑雪. 但体育锻炼不一定要强度大或花费大才能带来健康益处.
Walking, something most of us do every day, is a great form of exercise, says Colorado State University’s Kimberly Burke, 健康与人文科学学院的讲师. “散步可以让你的心率加快,同时对关节也很温和. It helps build strong bones and avoid bone loss. 你唯一需要的就是一双舒适的鞋子.”
There are also no new movements to learn, no gym memberships or class fees, and you can do it whenever your schedule allows. A post-meal walk, for example, 能通过增加血液流向消化系统来帮助消化吗, 快速有效地将食物沿着消化道快速而有效地移动.
研究表明,以中等速度步行30到60分钟是有益的, 3 to 5 days a week can help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk for chronic diseases, boost muscle power and endurance, and offer other physical and mental health rewards.
这是网上博彩澳门银河的护士们在做胆固醇和血压筛查时试图传达的信息. “我们强调要告诉客户,你不需要成为马拉松运动员才能获得锻炼的好处,” says Julie Abramoff, 健康促进计划的临床护士经理. “散步对健康有惊人的好处,而且可以在任何地方进行.”
Unfortunately, as Americans age, 他们没有得到建议的有氧运动量, 哪种运动能促进血液流动,将氧气输送到身体的不同部位. 美国体育协会制定的美国人体育活动指南.S. 2018年美国卫生与公众服务部建议每周至少进行150到300分钟的中等强度锻炼, 或者每周进行75到150分钟的高强度有氧运动(或中等强度和高强度运动的结合). 该指南还包括每周进行两天或更多的肌肉强化活动.
In 2020, 只有28%的美国男性和20%的女性符合有氧运动和肌肉强化运动的指导方针. Locally, 拉里默县46%的男性和36%的女性表示他们符合指南, 根据卫生区2022年社区健康调查.
找一些能让你动起来,又不觉得是苦差事的活动会有所帮助. “重要的是要享受你选择的任何体育锻炼方式,” says Burke, 同时也是科罗拉多州立大学健康与运动科学系成人健身项目的负责人. 学生们帮助管理这个项目以获得实践经验, 提供健康评估,并与社区成员合作,以改善参与者的心血管健康, strength, and flexibility.
Walking is often used as a warm-up or cool down, 有时作为项目的主要锻炼形式.
Need for speed?
你可能想知道你是否需要以一定的速度走路才能最大限度地利用你的健身计划. 一些研究表明,步行大约每小时2英里, or covering a mile in 30 minutes, is a good goal.
Burke puts it another way. “我们的建议是快走是理想的,”她说. “例如,你在商店或邮箱‘漫步’,所以‘轻快’比这快一点.“在主观评分中,0分代表坐着,10分代表你工作得最努力,5分代表适度. Your pace should be in the 4-5 range.
The ‘talk test’ can be used to gauge your intensity. Let’s say you’re walking with a friend. 如果你能背诵效忠誓言,那你就是零分. Start walking faster, 你应该能够在谈话中使用自然的停顿来控制呼吸. 如果有机会可以加快节奏的话, do it, 但如果你发现自己停下来喘口气, slow down.
在系鞋带之前,记得要把安全和舒适放在心上. 使用防晒霜,多穿几层衣服,带水来保持水分. 如果你在晚上走路,穿亮色的衣服或背心,这样别人就能看到你.
当外面很热的时候,散步的强度要小一些,或者在白天或晚上凉爽的时候散步. 或者在商场或有空调的地方散步.
If you want a more vigorous workout, do intervals—move at a faster pace for a few minutes, then slow down and recover, then speed up again. 跑步机是一个不错的选择,因为你可以提高机器的高度,让你的心率更快, plus you’re indoors in a controlled environment.
An indoor track offers an even surface, no cars or pets to dodge, and you don’t have to deal with heat or cold, wind, or bugs. 该地区有几家健身房,你可以收取少量费用或作为健身计划的一部分(见分隔框)。.
与任何运动一样,如果你在散步过程中感到疼痛或不适,放慢速度或停止. Some symptoms can be resolved by better footwear, 但其他的可能需要你去看医生. 如果脚后跟肿胀或足底筋膜炎引起的疼痛, or you notice pain on the top of the foot, consider replacing your shoes, Burke says. 膝盖、臀部或背部疼痛:评估你走路方式的变化.
When in doubt, talk to your primary care provider.
Mood buster
In addition to the physical benefits, 锻炼可以改善我们的精神面貌,有助于缓解抑郁和焦虑. “Walking when the sun’s out, seeing the green around you, it boosts your mood,伯克说:“这让你的大脑有机会放慢速度,获得一些背景知识。.”
For her part, 伯克每周安排和一位朋友在校园散步,以确保她离开工作椅,有充足的社交时间, too.
Area tracks and trails |
Larimer County trails - |
Fort Collins trails - |
Red Feather Lakes area trails - |
Windsor trails - |
Public use outdoor all-weather tracks - Kinard中学,Fort Collins高中,Fossil Ridge高中和Poudre高中 |
Indoor tracks - Fort Collins Senior Center, Northside Aztlan Community Center, Colorado State University Glenn Morris Field House, Windsor Community Recreation Center |
CSU Adult Fitness Program - For more information contact Kimberly Burke at or 970-491-0928. |